
Many social, education- or career-oriented activities happen at S.A. LIFE, and these activities are organized by the many committees of S.A. LIFE. From the organization of study trips, company excursions, parties or a family day to the evaluation of the education program of Life Science & Technology, LIFE has a committee for everything. There is even a committee that brews home-made beer! Every committee consists of a couple of LST students, often from multiple cohorts, that want to do a little extra for the association. Most committees are formed in the beginning of the academic year.

Would you like to do one of LIFE’s committees, but you do not know which one? Than come to the committees introduction drinks, where all LST-students (also first years and master students!) are welcome to get to know the different committees and to meet LIFE-members that have experience with a committee. You can ask them everything! Are you wondering which committees exist at S.A. LIFE or which committee would be nice for you do to? Take a look at the list below!

Click here for a standard template for the Agenda and/or Minutes.


After a long day of practicals, lectures and studying there is the possibility to enjoy a beer at one of the drinks of S.A. LIFE. Without beer there are no drinks and without barkeepers no beer! They do this every week on Wednesday in the ‘Bar het Lab’ at the new Applied Sciences Building in Delft. Next to the weekly drinks, the AlCoLI also organizes drinks with themes like the Mexican drinks or the karaoke drinks.


Every year the Almanakcie makes a yearbook for all of the members of S.A. LIFE. The last themes were “Buitenaards leven”, “Samenleven”, "Dubbel Leven", "Expression", "The Cycle of LIFE" and this year "The bright side of LIFE".  The Almanakcie gives everybody the chance to get in the yearbook. Next to all of the beautiful moments in LIFE, the yearbook contains information about the education, writings from diverse persons, other associations and all of the committees from LIFE.


Applied Sciences connect (ASconnect) is a career event especially organised for Applied Sciences students! It will be organised by students from four different AS studies: Life Science & Technology, Molecular Science & Technology, Nanobiology and Applied Physics. Companies related to these studies will present themselves and show what it means to work in the field. Therefore, it will give students a better understanding of what opportunities they have after graduation. 
ASc can be reached at


Without a study there is no need for a study association, so there is a committee assembled to safeguard the level of education. The first one consists of students from different years of the bachelor, the BaCOLI.  The BaCOLI’s represent the general opinion of their representative year about the lectures and teachers. If there are points of improvement, these are discussed with the education committee (EC) and the Commissioner of Bachelor Education. Via this pathway problems in the educational program are signaled in an early stage and everybody can work on the improvement of the study Life Science & Technology.


The BrAcCoLI is the committee of LIFE which organizes diverse activities during the year. Next to all the studying, the students need time to relax, which the BrAcCoLI takes care of. Every year they organize a Christmas dinner and various parties. They also organize activities like laser gaming or a casino night. In addition, the BrAcCoLI organizes the logistics for the Run4LIFE team at the Batavierenrace. This is the largest relay race in the world. It starts every year at the University Sports Center of Nijmegen and goes all the way to the University of Twente.


Life Science & Technology students love to drink beer, but what is even more fun is drinking your own brewed beer! LST students love fermentation, a process that you use to brew your own beer. The Brouwcie uses its knowledge from the lectures about yeast to brew the perfect beer. All the members of LIFE can enjoy this beer at the barbecue at the end of the year.


This committee has the goal to organize an annual study trip within Europe. This trip is especially organized for second and third year bachelor students. During the trip of 9-10 days a lot of Life Science companies, research groups, universities and institutions are visited. Next to the educational part of the trip there is also time for relaxation and a cultural program.


The best wine, is wine that you’ve made yourself. LIFE has a committee that makes a new wine every year. These wines are presented at the barbecue at the end of the year just like the beers and other brewed liquor.


When you start at the university, it is important to know the people of your year. You sit next to each other during the lectures every day and you have to do the practicals together. This is the reason that LIFE has a first year activity committee. The committee exists of freshmen and one member of the board. They organize diverse activities for the freshmen only!


During the study trips you visit a lot of different companies in different countries, but the companies that are close to the university are hardly ever visited by LIFE. Because of this, an excursion committee has been introduced a few years ago. The committee organizes different excursions to companies and universities within the Netherlands.

Facultary committees

LIFE organizes various activities in cooperation with other associations. Most of these activities are organizes by a Faculty-wide Committee, consisting of a member from every involved association. In Delft there are faculty-wide parties as the FWN Faculty Party and LABdance organized respectively by the Faculty Party committee and the FeCo.


To show our families what a day as a Life Science & Technology student looks like, the FamBrOZcie organizes a family day. LST students are invited to bring their parents, brothers and sisters to experience working in in a lab, follow a real LST lecture and much more.


Study association LIFE and the Management of Education of LST think it is important for the freshmen to get to know each other before the academic year starts. The IntroCie is the introductory weekend committee of LIFE who take care of this whole weekend. They organize a weekend for the freshmen of Life Science & Technology. The committee is responsible for the creative and logistic realization of the weekend. The freshmen get to know each other during the weekend and they learn about student life, LST and LIFE.


The Kascie is the financial checking organ of study association LIFE. They check the accountancy twice a year and give advice to the General Meeting of Members about if they should approve the proposed financial realization. The Kascie consists of old Chairmen and old Treasurers of S.A. LIFE.


The bachelor trip is for second and third year students of the bachelor. For the first year students of the bachelor there is also a studytrip. Every year the LaLacie organizes a short studytrip within Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxembourg or Germany, especially for freshmen. The committee exists of freshmen only and one member of the board. They will organize a trip on the educational level of the first year of the bachelor.


The LGO, LIFE goes on, is the career committee of LIFE. This committee organizes excursions to LST-related companies in the Netherlands. In addition, the LGO organizes career events where alumni will talk about their experiences after LST. The LGO keeps in touch with people from the field and helps students become acquainted with possible career choices after their studies. Every year they organize a borrel, a career event and a reunion.


The liquor committee, or the Liqcie, makes its own liquor. It is against the law to distillate your own liquor, but there are other ways to make liquor. The committee determines the liquor that the other members can taste at the barbecue at the end of the year.


Every five year LIFE celebrates a lustrum year, with festive events such as a lustrum gala and lustrum trip. 
The last lustrum of LIFE was in the academic year 2019-2020, in which LIFE celebrated its 20th birthday, which was the fourth lustrum of our study association. This was a year filled with festive activities, which were organized by our Lustrum Committee. The next lustrum will be in the year 2024-2025.


Every other year there is an international study trip for master students of Life Science & Technology. During the trip they will visit institutes, companies and universities that work on Life Sciences and Biotechnology. The students get to know their potential employers and get a taste of the work environment and the culture abroad in intercontinental countries is like.

MaCo Delft

LIFE had a committee that organizes activities for the master students in Leiden, but no committee for the master students in Delft. Since 2017 a new committee was formed that organizes educational and social activities for the master students in Delft and their first activity, the international dinner, turned out to be a big succes!

MaCo Leiden

Our association also organizes activities for our master students. The MaCo Leiden is a joint committee of CDL and LIFE and thus it consists of members from both associations. This committee organizes educational and social activities for all master students in Leiden from the masters Life Science and Technology and Chemistry.


For the 175th birthday of the TU Delft with the theme ‘Technology for Life’, LIFE couldn’t resist to help and organize a suited event. This year the Specie will organize the Fermentation Festival, where teams can sign up, brew there own beer and present this beer at the Fermentation Festival. Because the Fermentation Festival turned out to be a big success, the Fermentation Festival will be organised every year by the Specie.


The Sympocie is the committee that organizes the Life Science Symposium every other year. The members of the committee are busy for two years to organize the symposium. They take care of all the national and international speakers for the day. They are also responsible for the theme, which is always interesting for the LST students, but also for staff members from both the universities and other interested parties. For more information you can visit their website. The new Sympocie will organise the 11th Life Science Symposium on 14 May 2024.


Two times a year, the association members receive their copy of the Vision of LIFE. In this magazine there is an overview of all the coming activities, the experiences of members from previous activities, articles about some of our alumni and special experiences of current Life Science & Technology students during their studies or their jobs, interviews and a lot more. The VoLcie manages all the interviews and puts together a beautiful Vision every time. You  can look at our online Vision of LIFE on the homepage of this website!


In 2016 the WebCo was started. The WebCo helps the board to improve the website and with other digital and programming challenges. In the academic year 2019-2020, the 23th Board of LIFE decided that a complete new website was needed, the WebCo build this website, which is the one you are looking at right now!
