About LIFE

S.A. LIFE is the study association for students Life Science & Technology (LST). LST was founded in 1999 by a collaboration between Leiden University and Delft University of Technology. The combination of the two universities gave, as often said, “the best of both worlds”: fundamental cell biology in Leiden together with applied biotechnology in Delft. Study association LIFE was founded at the same time as the study LST. Although S.A. LIFE began with only thirty members at the time, LIFE has currently, twenty years later, grown into an association with more than 750 members. It is for these members, consisting of students of the bachelor program or the Leiden or Delft master program, that the study association forms a platform for career, education and social activities.

The career-related activities are meant to help LST students in their orientation for the job market. Examples of these career activities include the Alumni Career Evening, company excursions and the career event Applied Sciences Connect, but also study trips to give LST students the opportunity to discover their possibilities for their study and career abroad. On the trips for first year, bachelor and master students, relevant universities and companies are visited in beautiful cities in the Benelux, Europe and worldwide, respectively.

S.A. LIFE is also there for her members regarding education; there are evaluation of all LST courses, tutoring sessions when needed and lunch lectures in the breaks between lectures. This way, LIFE ensures the quality of the LST education program, and every now and then interesting topics are addressed while enjoying a delicious lunch. You can also buy your laboratory coat and glasses via LIFE and even get a discount on study books. Once every two years, LIFE also organizes a big symposium with prominent speakers from over the whole world.

To ensure that studying LST also remains enjoyable, S.A. LIFE also organizes countless social activities. Every week there are drinks and every now and then there is a nice party, but LIFE also joins the Batavierenrace every year, for example, and every academic year is closed with a tasty summer barbeque. There are even various activities especially for first year LST students, that make sure that you will feel at home at your new study very fast. For instance, there is an introweekend before the start of every study year, where approximately a hundred new LST students get to know the study, the student life and each other in a relaxed and fun fashion. Thanks to all these activities, there is a very nice, informal and fun atmosphere in both the education program and the study association.

The study association is managed by six enthusiastic LST students that put their study on hold for one year to run S.A. LIFE. They have the help of the more than thirty committees, that consists of LST students from multiple years, that organize many of the activities of the study association. You can always find the Board in one of the LIFE offices. Of course, a study association from Leiden and Delft has to have an office in both cities, so LIFE members are always welcome here to drink a free cup of coffee or tea between their lectures!
